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Working in Cafe

Instructional Design Portfolio

Welcome to my Instructional Design Portfolio.  This section provides a subset of my work as an instructional designer and classroom teacher.  Names of students and schools have been removed to protect privacy. 

Building New House Frame

Frameworks and Unit Plans

Social Studies Framework | Unit 1: How does identity shape a society?

Social Studies Framework | Unit 4: How do beliefs become action? 

Social Studies Unit Plan | Unit 3: The Constitution

Bullet Journal

Lesson Plans

Unit 1| How does the shift in colonial identities conflict with British Colonialism? :  Classroom Presentation | Student Work Document

Unit 4 | How do beliefs become action? | Andrew Jackson Primary Source Work



Formative Assessment Examples

Combined Examples of a variety of formative Assessment

Unit 4: How do beliefs become action? | Summative Assessment Example


All Hands In


Reading Level Example

Mode Example | Formative Assessment

Readiness Example | Summative Assessment 


Teacher Helping Student

Teacher Education

Coming Soon!!

Analyzing the data

Data Science

Coming Soon!!

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